Most homes with children know to keep hazardous chemicals, cleaners, and medication out of the reach of children, but these precautions should also be taken in homes with pets. There are many household items that can be dangerous for pets if ingested. These are a few of the things to look for in your home.- Lawn and garden pesticides- Flea and tick products- Insecticidal aerosols- Shampoos- Cleaning products- Rat and mouse poison- Tobacco products- Aspirin and other pain relievers- GarbageHow do you properly protect your pets from these hazards? Do not leave containers with these types of items where your curious pet can find them. Any spills should be cleaned up as soon as possible, including the outside of the container. Lids should be tightly closed and stored out of reach. Garbage cans should be covered tightly and secured to prevent tipping.If you have sprayed your lawn with chemicals, do not let your pet on the grass until the recommended drying period has passed. If your pet does come in contact with the chemicals, wash his or her feet with mild soap and water. Pets should also not be allowed in vegetable or flower gardens or in compost piles. Some plants are toxic to animals if nibbled on. Compost piles can contain bacterial toxins that are harmful to animals. Rat and mouse poison can be harmful or even deadly if a cat ingests the dying or dead rodent. Take care when using these types of poisons to ensure that your cat does not consume a poisoned rat or mouse.
Many dogs and cats spend much of their day with little to do. They sit at home, resting and waiting for their human companions to return home from work. These pets can become bored which often leads to naughty behavior. They also may not be getting the exercise they need each day. To help your solitary pet, be sure to engage in at least 30 minutes of exercise twice a day with your pet. You can take a walk, throw a ball, or play tug-of-war with a toy. Both dogs and cats love to chase after furry toys or small balls. When you are away, leave some fun chew toys for your dog and a scratching post for your cat. If possible, consider having a friend or neighbor let your dog out for part of the day. But be sure to keep on top of negative behavior like excessive barking. If this becomes a problem, you will need to modify your dog’s environment and behavior with positive activities. If your cat is an indoor cat, set up an outdoor enclosure to give him some fresh air and varied exercise activities. Finally, be sure to spend as much fun time with your pet when you are at home as possible. Include him in family activities and encourage you children to spend daily play time with your animal. You’ll find that everyone can benefit from these fun bonding experiences.
Puyallup Carpet Cleaner
Many pet owners consider adding a second or more pet to their households. It may seem like a great idea—not only will your current pet have a companion, but you will also have another animal to love. When considering this, it is good to remember that caring for multiple pets can bring some challenges. Before adopting a new animal companion, consider these issues first to best prepare yourself, your family, and your current pet.
The most important issue is whether your current pet will respond well to a new animal in your home. It may be helpful to do a trial run. Ask to dog- or cat-sit for a friend for a weekend. Watch your pet closely during this time. Does he hide or act aggressively? Is he able to share his toys or treats? While problems in these areas do not necessarily mean that you cannot have a second pet, it does reveal things you will need to work on first. Some specific training with a pet behaviorist and frequent chances for socializing with other pets on a regular basis can help improve behavior.
When introducing your new pet to your home, be sure to do it when you have time to stick around. A weekend at home is a reasonable amount of time to spend with your pets as they learn about each other and become friends. Have separate food and water bowls and give each pet a place to rest apart from everyone else. If there are conflicts, separate the animals and then gradually bring them back together. Instead of punishing for aggressive behavior, simply separate again and distract them—eventually they will get used to each other’s company.
Finally, remember that your pets are individuals. Give each one time alone with you, especially if he or she seems stressed by the changes of having a new pet in the home.
Puyallup Carpet Cleaner
Most pets enjoy having their own bed. If you are deciding on a bed for your dog or cat, be sure to choose one that will provide warmth, support and a sense of security. What makes a pet bed great? Keep these tips in mind when shopping.
- A good pet bed should be made of durable and washable material. Natural fibers are best and the fabric should not be treated with chemicals such as flame-retardants or stain-protectors.
- The bed should have a non-skid bottom to help keep it in place.
- Get a bed that will comfortably fit your pet even when he or she is stretching. But if you have a dog or cat that only sleeps curled up, you may need to get a smaller bed to provide a cozier feel.
- There are a variety of beds for special needs: hypoallergenic materials for allergic pets, orthopedic beds for animals with arthritis, and waterproof beds for pets with incontinence problems.
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